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Meet the Minds
Behind the Magic

Who We Are

Engineers turned Entrepreneurs with deep tech insight.
Proficient in the complete product development lifecycle.
Versatile domain expertise: Education, Finance, Healthcare, Retail, Manufacturing, Transportation.

What We Believe

Outcome as a Service. We own your problems.
Output over Delivery. Ensuring impactful results.
Breaking technological boundaries. Embracing innovation.
AI-first mindset. Data-driven approach.

Meet The Leaders

Abraar Syed

CEO & Co-Founder
HOE Platform, | Ex VPE, | Founding Engineer, Jnaapti | AI Adept | Trainer, Fortune 500 Companies

Sahil Goyal

COO & Co-Founder
Founder & CEO, Gisul | Ex Data Architect, Praxis & RHB Bank | Consultant & Trainer, Fortune 500 Companies

Prateeksha Tomar

Chief Creative Officer
Lead Product Designer, | Ex UX Manager, | Senior SDE, CoWrks | Founding Engineer, Jnaapti
AI Solutions,
Real-World Impact
Streamline operations, uncover valuable insights from data, and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of AI.
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